Actress Ify Okeke has distance herself from the public letter written to Tonto Dikeh by one AdaSlimShow, stating categorically that she told Ada nothing about Tonto.

In her open reply, the actress wrote “I really do not like my name being mentioned in the open letter you wrote to your soul sister …I create my own enemies or fight my own battles @tontolet is my friend and I remain so.

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I have never discussed anything with you, You complained to me your pains and I advised you. Mentioning me will make me look like I betrayed my friend. No I am a loyal friend.”

In Ada’s letter she claimed that Ify had told her that Tonto acted like she does not remember her, a statement Ify is angry and denying that anything like that ever happened.

Early Today Adaslimshow had written a public letter accusing Tonto Dikeh of ingratitude. (READ IT HERE)

