The operatives of the Lagos State Police Command have apprehended a woman (name withheld) who reportedly inflicted serious injury on her maid.

The woman used a saw to cut the wrist of the maid and also forced her to continue with her house chores without minding the level of blood that was gushing out of her hand.

The incident took place on Sunday at the Meiran Alagbado area of Lagos state.Neigbours who witnessed the incident said they heard the girl scream very loud so as they went to know why she was screaming, they saw her hand bleeding profusely while she was trying to do some house chores.

One of the neighbors who were at the scene said that the woman was always in the habit of using crude materials on her.

She said: “While the girl was trying to escape, the woman used the saw to inflict that injury on her.

“Not bothered with the blood flowing from the girl, the woman still forced the maid to wash clothes with the same hand.”

The case was handed over to the police for more investigation.