Self styled Akwa Ibom most popular and finest actor,Moses Armstrong may be living large in Uyo,the state capital,what with his visibility within government circles,publicity stunts and his closeness to people in the corridors of powers but those who are close to him say he is not a free man in the real sense of the word.

Gists making the rounds are that he moves about with this permanent fear of the unknown and he looks behind his shoulders anywhere he goes.
We gather that he is haunted with the fear of being hunted by those he has offended especially in the entertainment world.

The close source who divulged this to us swears that it is the reason he lives and holds meetings in hotels so that no one would actually know where he resides.

Another source said that Armstrong who relocated from Lagos to his home state when he was not finding things easy in the acting world,was able to manipulate his way into the mainstream of the Akwa Ibom entertainment world,particularly the movie world and within a short time,he had hijacked the machinery of the actors in the state and went ahead to form his own group called Ibom Actors’ Forum.

He also maneuvered his way into the government and was in the forefront of those that campaigned for the second term of Governor Goodswill Akpabio.But his problems started when he began to shortchange locally based artistes and many of them are said to be very angry with him just as they have vowed to bring him down.

In an encounter with us sometime last year,Armstrong confirmed he now lives in hotels and showed us some threat messages bordering on his life and family.