It is no longer news that top female artistes in entertainment industry disagree from time to time,either as a result of supremacy struggle, ability to get jobs or over same man.

However, female stand-up comedians have different reasons for beefing each other.

Although top comedienne Mandy Uzonitcha and Olufunke Bose Ogunboye,a.k.a Lepacious Bose are walls apart in personality and achievements in the industry, insider sources informed that they do not share close friendship like colleagues.

Rather, as revealed to us, they avoid walking on the same path.

According to the source, this is because since Lepacious got the Diamond Awards for Best Female Comedian in 2009,she has gotten cold shoulder treatment from her fellow female colleagues.

This is because Lepacious was considered as one of the youngest entertainers who have not really made name and fame, as such the award was seen as a big fluke and compensation for the up and coming rib cracker.

Among other comediennes who were aggrieved as a result of this development, ace wag Mandy voiced her feelings out.

It was informed that she allegedly thundered back at the organizers of the award that if Lepacious can emerge the best female comedian in Nigeria, where is the likes of Helen Paul, Mandy and Princess.

As gathered, this top stand-up comedienne has refused to have anything to do with Lepacious and they have not been best of friends since then.

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