No doubt, Emeka Ike is one of the most popular and successful actors in the Nigerian movie industry, known as Nollywood. He is one of the most sought after and well paid actors, but when he decided to spread his wings to the education sector recently, many people wondered what could have prompted such decision.

Unlike many educationists, his reason for building a school, where the leaders of tomorrow can learn under a conducive environment, is not primarily to make profit, but to give back to the society what he had got.

Speaking with NollywoodReel, Emeka, who revealed that children inspire him a lot, said: “I’ve come to realise that some of these young people have been abandoned and nobody really cares about them.

“419 is now rampant among the youths. You can see a small boy that has not even completed his primary school dreaming of how to become a millionaire. That is not supposed to be.

“In life, they need to learn that you take a step at a time. But if they don’t have such knowledge, they may likely fall like those 419 boys

“It now becomes incumbent on us, as their role models, to use our positions to educate these people that education is the best way to attain success.

“Anywhere I see children, I tell them that their parents may not have enough money, but they shouldn’t make that as an excuse not to go to school.

“My parents too did not have enough money to sponsor me to school, but I was determined to go to school. That is why I’m successful now.”

The actor, who has lost count of the movies he has feature in, stated that “when you go to school, you have a lot to gain.

“You don’t know what you stand to gain until you have that certificate in your hands.”