Nollywood actress, Rukky Sanda showed the ‘notice me’ side of her at the Green and White Groove party held in Lagos on October 1, 2012. The event was organized by two entertainment powerhouses in Nigeria; Encomium magazine and Primetime Africa.
As expected, the event was attended by crème-de-la-crème of the showbiz world and society big-wigs. The green carpet didn’t fall short of expectation as different stars added colour to the event.
For Rukky Sanda, it was a time to advertise herself to the society big-wigs present at the party and possibly jostle for a place in their hearts. From the green carpet, she didn’t fail to ‘show’ herself as she almost became selective of media to have interviews with. Trust, we got one from her.
At the main party held at the main hall of Anchor Event Centre, Ikeja, Lagos, Rukky Sanda took the time and pain to ‘announce’ her presence at the event as she was spotted moving from table to table with a ‘notice me’ attitude.
Think that was enough, after sitting beside Tunde Braimoh at his table, Rukky made sure she got the attention of the society man and hooked him up in a chat. What they were discussing we don’t know, but what we know is that Tunde enjoyed his chat with Rukky. This we could tell when he (Tunde) was spotted laughing and enjoying himself with the actress at the party while something changed hands between them.