Popular screen goddess, Rita Nwaturiocha Dominic, has hit back at those criticising her for being a heavy smoker.

Rita, who had hitherto denied her love for the cancer sticks, has boldly said that it is nobody’s business, even if she is addicted to the destructively addictive tobacco sticks.

She emphatically stated that those spreading the information that she is an addicted cigarette smoker are idle people, who do not have anything important to do.

“After all, I’m not a kid and I’m free to do whatever suits me. So, I just wonder why some people are busy with what does not actually concern them.

“If I smoke, is it anybody’s business? People should just find something reasonable to do rather than concern themselves with Rita Dominic’s mannerisms,” she stated.

Although Rita had been smoking cigarette (White London brand) for the past few years, she does not want the public to know this fact about her.

It is also a question that elicits a frown whenever the actress grants press interviews.