Despite being one of the most educated in terms of degree acquisition in the Yoruba genre of movie industry, star actress, Toyin Aimaku, is regarded as one of the most troublesome.
It is an open knowledge that vivacious Toyin can pick up fight with anybody on set over the silliest reason.

“The girl is too troublesome. She can fight over non-issues and every time you try to pacify her, it’s always as if you are fuelling the furnace of her anger. There is hardly any established star that she hasn’t had issues with on set. Most of us (producers) have vowed never to work with her again”, a producer disclosed recently.

Though, it is not all the producers that the star actress have offended, the unaffected ones are toeing the lines of the affected ones in solidarity. “If she can do it to any of our colleagues, she can do it to us. The girl is not respectful and she goes about as if she is the biggest star to have happened to Nollywood. This our stand is just to tell her that she has not started.

She still has a long way to go. If she is remorseful and she is ready to drop her troublesome attitude, we shall reconsider her. We cannot expend resources on production and expend energy on quenching her trouble on locations. She should learn from those ahead of her”.

It seems movie producers will not have to wait long for a remorseful Toyin. From all indications available to, the actress is now going about cap in hand begging producers and marketers alike that she is now a changed person.