Cool TV presenter, Ayo Thompson is really alarmed with the way celebrity baby mamas are increasing in Nigeria. The presenter who doesn’t like seeing men talk selfies said that a lot of celebrities are just irresponsible when it comes to affairs.


She said “It’s really sad, it’s a pet peeve. I feel like a lot of celebrities are becoming more irresponsible, am sorry to say that but it’s true. Maybe in the past they’ve been more careful or we didn’t have social media and didn’t know. But now it seems like it’s a fast ticket to getting a man or a guy want to soar his wild oats. I believe that celebrities should be more responsible. I fear for the next generation because i have a feeling that we are going to have a lot of children with multiple siblings. I hope we will not get to that situation where we are trying to fix our nation because the family life has been rubbished.”

Ayo has an idea man but he listed what she doesn’t want from the man “I like a man who is confident, charismatic, a man who can hold his own. He comes into the room and people are like who is that? Not just the look but the way he carries himself. I am also very attracted to men who are considerate. Men who are genuinely kind. I don’t really like men who take selfies. Not who takes selfies but who are addicted to selfies. I don’t want to start mentioning names but you know yourselves.”