Thousands of football fans turned out for Kano’s 1Goal: Education for All event at Sani Abacha Stadium, Kofar Mata, Kano, on Sunday 25 April. The main event was a football match between Kurmi Market and Kano United and finished with 2:2 draw.

The event was part of the ongoing campaign by CSACEFA KANO and VSO NIGERIA to highlight 1Goal:Education for All, a global initiative seizing the power of football to ensure that education for all is a lasting impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Raising our voices all over the world we believe that, together, we can make education a reality for the millions of boys and girls who remain out of school.

Jay Jay Okotcha, Andy Cole and Rio Ferdinand are amongst the global footballers to have recently signed the campaign. Kano’s own ‘Yaro Yaro’ (Ahmed Garba) of Kano Pillars signed up just last week.

The Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA) is a national-level coalition of 450+ Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) whose mission is ‘œto strengthen the capacity of Nigerian Civil Society and other stakeholders to advocate for access to free, compulsory and quality education for all. Since its inception in the run-up to the Dakar World Education Summit in 2000 CSACEFA has been highly successful in its national-level advocacy, and increasingly so at the state level. CSACEFA Kano has 17 active member organisations and a number of partnerships with local, national and international organisations.

VSO stands for Voluntary Service Overseas, an international development charity that works through professionals to share skills and build capacity with partners across the world. They place volunteers in over 40 countries globally. VSO Nigeria have been active for over 50 years, and currently has around 50 volunteers now working all around Nigeria in their focus areas – education, HIV/AIDS and secure livelihood.


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