Nollywood actor, Desmond Olusola Elliot, who declared his intentions to run for the Lagos State House of Assembly under the APC, has taken his campaign train to the people of Surulere Constituency 1, in Lagos, in order to seek their support.
Unveiling his campaign posters on Friday, September 12, Elliot asked his supporters to vote for him, promising to make sports development, widows aid programme, health care for the elderly, nursing mothers and children his priority. The Lagos born thespian also assured he would regularly convene town hall meetings and open door/feedback initiatives if he becomes a law maker.
Though he rarely speaks Yoruba as he claimed being a Lagosian, he did not see that as an issue as he has kicked start is campaign with the company of top colleague in the make-belief world, Odunlade Adekola, to help boost his morale when conveying his message.
To gather more support for the actor cum director, Odunlade, advised the people that Desmond Elliott, is actually the CHANGE that the people needed for a greater tomorrow.
Also accompanied for the session is actress, Bimbo Thomas, who revealed that Desmond has been an inspiration to her and has been able to guide her through her career and she is still learning from him. Adding that he is ready to carry the burden of the people as his.