Popular comedian, Francis Agoda, also known as I Go Dye, has rebuked Nigerian lawmakers who are rumoured to be finding their way to London to visit recuperating President Muhammad Buhari.


I Go Dye adviced such politicians to let the President recuperate peacefully and instead spend their time on more productive ventures like attending to more pressing national problems at home.

He told Vanguard, “I kindly make this passionate appeal to Nigerians, that president Buhari should be left to rest. Nobody can question or decide who should get ill.

“This is a divine manifestation,that only God can answer. Since he has willingly handed over power to the Vice President as stipulated by the constitution, I recommend that the National Assembly should as a matter of urgency be delegating the various House Committees to address and pass legislation that will make it mandatory for all states to provide standard world class hospitals to meet international standard and provide quality services to the ordinary Nigerians.

“I strongly advise that Nigerian top government officials should stop visiting the president in London,since he is certified to be alive.

“The report that National Assembly members want to visit him is totally irrelevant. They should visit our federal roads that have taken many lives. The Benin-Abuja road, eastern roads, Benin-Ore road and many others, most importantly, visit the stranded children and families in the north east, our public hospitals without dialysis equipment and non functioning emergency and accident units,” he added.

“Our child mortality rate is among the highest in the world today and even our higher institutions are rated sub-standard. Those and many more should be their primary concern; passing legislation to create social welfare for youths, with a view to curbing kidnapping, terrorism and militancy.

“This should be a time for sober reflection as a nation and not glamourising an unfortunate situation. Many Nigerians are faced with health issues in the public hospitals and they can’t afford medical trips abroad. Providing an environment where each and every Nigerian can have easy access to quality healthcare should be their priority. I kindly request that president Buhari should be allowed to rest, health issues are not for jamborees let alone to be used to score cheap political points.

“Nobody knows who is next. May God protect Mr president and bless our nation Nigeria,” he quipped.