Mother of 2Face two boys, Sunmbo Ajaba Adeoye, has called on all single parents male or female to seek the face of God for forgiveness.

She stated being a single parents, it is not easy it requires a lot of financing pointing out that sometimes the situation the parents find themselves does not mean they are wayward people like the society portrays it.

According to her, “Single parenting can be financially draining and emotionally exhausting. The society needs to understand that not all single parent (male or Female) are wayward or of bad character like the society paints it. The scripture says “Rain falls on the Just and unjust” so life happens sometimes and many find themselves in this situation. If you are one (either unmarried, divorced,or widowed, here’s a message of hope for you.”

“If you’re a single parent due to fornication, please go to God for forgiveness. The Bible says God overlooks our ignorance but we must repent Act 17:30. Stop carrying the single parent guilt with you. Forgive yourself and don’t lose your mind,” she wrote.