Singer cum actress, Adokiye has called out Nollywood producer, Blessing Egbe who last week, called out actresses who sleep around because of fame. According to her, “Some of our colleagues have sold their souls to the devil, they do uncanny acts all in the name of fame. What is the gain I ask? Single and married women sleeping with countless men to climb to the top, please when you get there, what next please? Vanity vanity vanity” she said.
She also said that actresses’ husbands skip a heartbeat when ever their wives are on location because of the dirt that goes on. She stated clear that actresses sleep with movie producers to get roles and fame.
Adokiye has replied Blessing, saying she knows the producer is having a beef with someone and it should be settled amicably instead of classifying all the actresses as the same.
“Don’t be a teacher in this way. I know you are fighting with somebody, address it appropriately, I hate to do the ‘Call out’. Don’t make the good ones or the passionate ones feel bad because you have refused to face your problems appropriately. It is wrong to judge, or do you think entertainers are the only ones consuming all the condoms that are entering into the country?
She also stated that the immorality Blessing is talking about is happening everywhere and it is very wrong for her to have poured it all on the innocents once too.