Nigeria’s veteran Entertainers, Okey Bakassi, has opened up on the secret behind the success of his 15 years old marriage, and also why he may likely go back to politics.

He said about the secret of his marriage “I think there is no one secret that works for everyone. I think the basic thing is to marry your friend, in my case I was lucky to marry a friend of more than 24 years. She is somebody that knows me well. We have our arguments, quarrels but we settle before we go to bed. Your priority also matters, some people marry because of children so when they get that it is over. If your priority is to be a full family man you will be committed to achieving happiness as a family man . The most important vow is the one you make to yourself. If you are in it because of what you want to do, it is easier to do, like when you have chosen to be a Lawyer or an Engineer, it will be difficult to talk you out. I have always wanted to be a family man.Most marriages that crash, the signs are there from the beginning but they ignore them and later start complaining and make many people unhappy.

He said that he is still interested in going back to politics “My brother, man is a political animal and I am not different. Once the opportunities align properly for me, I will definitely be interested. It is my age mates who are meant to be ruling now. Barack Obama was not even my age when he became President of America. Here we recycle old leaders.

He disagreed that the old men will leave the political ground for the young “They will never but it is also a failure on their path. If you ruled Nigeria in the 80s and you are back in 2016 does it mean you did not mentor anybody to step into your shoes? Some of them were Military head of state at a very young age, the age of their sons now but they will prefer to keep their children at home and feed them. You should be king makers, mentoring people, holding the ladder for people to climb.