Talented and attractive is the best way to describe Rose Odika. She is one of the best in Nollywood and her roles are usually savoured … by her teaming fans. She came into the movie industry 12 years ago shortly after her secondary schools education and against the wish of her parents . The lanky actress and mother of a little girl spoke with HAZEEZ BALOGUN after a function in Lagos. She spoke about the circumstances surrounding her divorce some years ago and her acting career

My name is Roseanne Odika. I was born in Lagos but grew up in Ibadan. When I got married, I became Rose Osaneye. But now that I am single again, I answer my father’s name which is Odika. I am number two in a family of seven children. I am from Ugodu in Delta State. My father is a retired policeman while my mother is a business woman. I attended Anwarul Islam college,Eleyele, Ibadan. I have a degree in Heath Education from Alvan Ikoku University, Owerri Campus. I graduated in 1997.

Marital status

I was once married but I had to walk out of the marriage illegally when it failed to work. I was married to Mr. Osaneye. The marriage produced a daughter . I am not interested in going into the past though I realised that the marriage failed due to youthful exuberance and untamed parental influence on the part of my in-laws.


Yes, I regret that my marriage did not work. I never imagined that I would ever have a broken marriage. I had seriously prayed against a broken marriage but too bad, I fell victim. Anyway such is life and life must surely go on.


I won’t deceive myself, I am very much available for a serious relationship . Yes I am still searching for a man of my choice. At the moment, I don’t have any man in my life. But for me to settle down with any man, I need to be very careful this time around and ensure that what happened to the first marriage does not repeat itself. As the popular saying goes “once beaten, twice shy” my kind of man must be original not a fake person . He should let me know his real kind of person, he must be a straight person, slim and good looking to complement my colour. My man must also be financially okay, and be able to take care of my financial needs and that of family.

Sojourn into movie industry

I have been acting since I was in the secondary school. I was into stage and cultural performance. I was with Odutems in Ibadan for four years before I gained admission into the university. Even while in the university, I was still acting. It even made it difficult for me to work with my certificate after my graduation. But professionally I joined home video acting in 1994 and my first film was Express Lady which was produced by Wemimo Films. I was paid N10.000.00 which was a reasonable fee then. I have acted in so many other movies but my face is not always common I don’t just appear in any movie. Of all movies Ifeatured in, I will chose Timbatayewa by Wemimo Films as my best.

Relationship scandals

A lot of things have been said and written about me and Uncle Paul Wemimo. They have said that we are lovers. There is no element of truth in the story. I am not dating Wemimo. We are only close simply because he brought me to limelight. Moreover, I am based in Ibadan and he is also in Ibadan. So we often see each other which is the reason I feature in all his movies. There is no love affair between us. Our relationship is strictly business.

Music career

Apart from acting, I also sing. I launched my album last year and I intend shooting the video before the year runs out. So I am a complete artiste . I combine acting with singing. Like I said earlier , all these things are part of entertainment and I have been doing them right from my secondary school years.

Sexual harasment

I have never been sexually harassed and I can never be harassed. those who said they have been harassed sexually are the ones who are desperate to make it by all means. I call them desperado. They come to the industry without having anything to offer only to flaunt their boobs to entice producers or directors and at the end of the day they will be dumped after being used. I don’ t believe there is anyone who is harassing any one. What would you say of an actress who came to location wearing only pants? It also happens in other establishment too. Our own is more pronounced because we are in the eyes of the people. I am not saying there is no sexual harassment in the industry, but it all depends on how one presents oneself.

Beauty secret.

Every individual has what she appreciates in her body. But for me, I think my face and my complexion are my assets. They stand me out among my peers. I so much appreciate my skin colour and I take good care of it. After my prayers early in the morning, I cleanse my face with a facial cleanser, then I take a cup of water. I don’t take breakfast. I also do my facial treatment once in a month.

To the green horns

They should not be too desperate to become a star. If a promoter or a producer discovers you are desperate he will use that to exploit you. So my advice is to approach the job gradually. In no time, they will get there.