Kemi Olulonyo has taken on a number of Nigerian celebrities and gotten away with it. Very fresh in memory is her battle with beautiful Igbo and Nollywoood actress, Angela Okorie, where she sought to rubbish her over her role in disgraced Gambia ex-president, Yahya Jammeh’s  quest to remain in power. While Angela fought back, Kemi had a field day.

Undeterred by Angela’s weak fight back, Kemi decided to acquire a new target, this time, U.S-based Nollywood actress Georgina Onuoha. As it turns out, she has picked the wrong game, as Georgina has unleashed the full strength of her arsenal on her by releasing a full dossier on her American crimes and wanted status. The details of her revelations will have you wondering how and why Kemi Olulonyo is walking a free woman. In a post titled “The life and lies of a serial con artist” she chronicled the crime history of the woman who has been  spearheading the hate campaign against her image, alleging that she, Georgina, was the mistress in TheNation newspaper’s report that duped a certain governor from the Niger Delta $10million bailout funds.

According to her, Kemi Olulnyo is still a fugitive as she is still wanted by by the U.S Homeland Security. In her words “Please contact The US Homeland Security.. @hnnafrica also known as OluKemi Ashley Olunloyo is WANTED for some many crimes. Visit the Newton County police Department and verify her charges and crimes and serial name changes. Http:// Page 247: Criminal Olunloyo, Ashley Olukemi. @hnnafrica please submit yourself to the authorities. FUGITIVE ?? @homelandsecurity @police_departments WANTED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA FOR CRIMES AGAINST MINORS AND KIDS”


Going further, she urges: “Fellow Nigerians, you are dealing with a con artist.. she uses different names.. and has seven arrest warrant on her..She says that when she and her two sons arrived at Pearson airport from Nigeria in 2007 she went through three days of interviews, telling authorities everything about her past. She was under the impression that any lingering charges against her had been dropped. But Bell says the warrants still exist. She failed to appear for court and obviously left the country in violation of her bond condition, so we never had that opportunity to resolve the factual dispute…She jumped bail in Newton county Georgia Atlanta. Please sign a petition to extradite her back to go face the law. Our kids are our treasure and should not be endangered by folks like @hnnafrica who is not a U.S. citizen, says her Nigerian passport being held in Newton County expired, so she was able to get a new one. You must all report her pages and handles for her to take down every celebrity pictures she has there. Especially with Angela’s son”

Addressing Kemi directly, Georgina ditched strict conditions under which she would let up on exposing her further and stopping the carnage that she is bringing her way. Hear her: “You have to publicly apologize to all my colleagues you’ve ever insulted for no just cause. You can throw your son/kids out of a moving car to kill them!! but scum don’t you ever name my kids again.. bring it on I’m waiting to release all your criminal records if you don’t call All of my colleagues and apologize. Don’t ever mess with me. @hnnafrica OluKemi Ashley Olunloyo submit your self to the authorities NOW.. ole .. End of Discussion.. Don’t ever spread false news about me or any of my colleague again . Never you scum .You will never call any Nigerian or Nigerians illiterates again.. I will release your attempted murder on your baby daddy if you don’t apologize to Nigerians for terrorizing then on social media.. you scum”

Beyond exposing Kemi Olulonyo’s crime dossier, Georgina also dared her to face the EFFC and substantiate her reports about her, Georgina‘s, role in the bailout fund saga. According to her “When Nigerians are enduring undue hard economic hardship and starvation due to our corrupt leaders. Efforts are being made to stabilize and bring this nation back from the brinks of collapse. If governors or any official is embellishing funds they should be brought to justice. It is equally shameful that this old hag, scum and junkie will try to divert attention from the real issue at hand just to gain cheap popularity.. well @hnnafrica you messed with the wrong actress. Since you have tips of the mistress please EFCC and SSD will love to speak with you to help out. I just got off the phone with the publisher of the Nation you misquoted falsely in your bid for cheap fame. Victor Akande provided me with this are are demanding you retract your false misrepresentation of their news paper. I am in Abuja, hope we can have the interview you are requesting at the EFCC office in abuja? I will fly you down since you are cheap and broke”

Has Kemi Olulonyo met her match? It remains to be seen how the ‘snitchlady’ will wriggle out of the tight corner Georgina is boxing her into. It would surely be a big relief to the many celebrities she has scandalised without any form of censure.