Few weeks ago, a devastating incident occurred in Accra, Ghana, which claimed many lives and destroyed many properties. It was a flood incident many people will not easily forget.

Since the incident, there have been calls to help victims of the unfortunate incident.

Some celebrities have also taken it upon themselves to raise awareness to get relief materials for those rendered homeless by the flood.

Ghanaian reggae star, Reggie Rockstone has said he would be rendering assistance to the victims. He is set to organize a concert to raise money and proceeds from the event sent to victims.

“This Friday, I shall use my establishment Django Bar to raise doe (money) for the Accra flood victims in conjunction with all radio stations and celebrities who are down to do so,” the artiste disclosed.

He further said, “Everyone pays at the door! Donations welcome too! At the door will be our beautiful sisters, Efya and Becca. Biggest concert ever also loading but in the meantime we move and fast!

“I suggest all other establishments like mine do the same! God bless us all. A really good reason to step out! Very, Very Important Personalities Sanitation Movement say so. Thanks.”