POPULAR Nollywood actor-turned evangelist, Larry Koldsweat, was in Abuja at the time the 2010 Abuja Carnival held. Waka pass ran into the veteran actor and musician, who keeps a small goatee around the Mararaba area of Nassarawa State, near Abuja. Waka pass was almost going to conclude that Uncle Larry chose Mararaba to stay because of the relatively low cost of accommodation in that area, but one waka pass, who has been keeping a tab on the actor, hinted that Uncle Larry chose the hotel because it was nearer to where he was scheduled to ‘Minister as a prophet’. And because a gold fish has no hiding place, we later ran into Uncle making the stairs to the second level of the hotel accompanied by two young men and a lady in front, who carried a big bag. We overheard Uncle Larry instructing a waiter to bring “four glasses upstairs.” We were going to ask for an additional glass, but waka pass had a flight to catch, a reason we couldn’t wait to join in the ‘prophetic wine’ party. But Uncle Larry, you will not be that lucky next time oooo. We don’t care whether five is a crowd.