Nollywood actor Prince Ekeh appears to have settled the rift he had with actress Angela Okorie. Recall that the two movie makers had a media fight over her alleged arrest and detention for a day in South Africa, while they were shooting a movie for allegedly stealing of $3,200 from a friend’s home. Angela later disclosed that Prince Ekeh was responsible for her arrest as he collaborated with the said friend, ‘Prosper’ to get her arrested and rope her into a theft scandal. The incident triggered a severe media war between Mr Ekeh and Mrs Okorie after their return from South Africa.
However, Prince Ekeh appears to have thrown all the animosity against Mrs Okorie behind him, he yesterday Sunday August 17 wished her well, as she celebrated her birthday with friends.
Meanwhile, today August 18 is Prince Ekeh’s birthday, but Mrs Okorie has not reciprocated the gesture of friendship from the actor. Stay tuned.
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