Actress Sola Popoola Adeyemi has revealed the reason why she does not like kissing her partner or any other person as the case maybe.

Sola who has been in the movie industry since 2004. Wondering why the fair-skinned beautiful actress would not want to kiss both in reality and in movies, said that she is an Ibile girl from Ijebu who value culture a lot. she is not like every other lady who doesn’t see it as a matter? She is a culture girl.

She noted that the husband understands her as a result they do not have issues about that. The actress and producer did not also fail to mention that her Germany-based husband only comes hole once in a year.

Wao! That is more or less like a long distant marriage which has a great disadvantage but she said that whenever he comes home he stays like 3 months or more before returning to his base.

In her words,”We cope very well, because we are always very busy with our works. Whenever my husband comes around, he spends 3 months or more before going back, so our sex life is not restricted to once a year. Besides, I don’t like kissing.”