Crossover Liberian born actor cum Ghanaian, Nollywood actor, Frank Artus, might not be adored by many who are familiar with the Ghanaian movie industry where he has chosen to pitch his tent but it will shock many to know that the dude is married.

Frank disclosed to Joy News that he has been happily married for 11 years and his blessed with three kids while noting that he is a kind hearted person and not what people see him as in movies.

He stated that while on set he is just that bad guy people know but off set, he is more of an introvert and likes hanging around with his family.

In his words, “hmm, Frank Artus, quiet, family man, kind hearted person, more of an introvert. While Frank Artus on the screen is that bad guy (laughs). I have been married for lie 11 years now and I am blessed with 3 kids.”

On marriage, the actor stated that “marriage helps a man to be stable especially being an entertainer so one does not get himself into too many troubles.” He added that ladies do come around on sighting him as a fine boy but he acts professional with them.