To many that watched the comic movie Osuofia In London, that film was a classic and a turning point for Nollywood movies.

Not many knew that the person inside the masquerade regalia was this tall and handsome producer, Kingsley Ogoro.

According to this ex-husband of Ese Egesse Agoro, Osuofia was a runaway success that most times keeps him wondering if he would be able to surpass.

Though the father of Miss Nigeria (Ireland) beauty pageant has done other award winning movies, but Osuofia In London is still a high point of his movie production.

Have you watched this film? If yes, what part in the movie do you consider as the best part of Osoufia’s acting? Which scene is your favourite?

What lesson did you learn from it? Was it worth your money and time? Is it a good movie to have for keep?

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