The various challenges being faced in Nigeria has now become a serious pain in the neck which many of its citizens are not able to bottle up anymore.

One of such person is Nollywood actress, Omotola Jalade Ekehinde, who has come out to complain about the electricity problem faced in Lagos state and other parts of the country.

According to her, “One of The biggest fraud in Nigeria is the PHCN.In Ikeja, there’s no meter, No LIGHT EVER and they still bring bills! high bills!” With the hash tag, ‘# don’t push me’
The actress got angry with the present administration of Governor Ambode, who has been asking for various taxes and persecuting people for the services his state has not offered.

“This Lagos Govt. talking about Taxes! and persecuting people and what rubbish? Are you kidding me? I payed my taxes to buying my own security, Generators, fuel, road and many more, are you going to refund me? insensitivity?

“Many companies I.e Dunlop have left Nigeria because of your Ridiculous Taxes/lack of AMMENITIES. Still want to further burden citizens. If they don’t retrace their steps! and quickly too, I’ve been quiet for a minute, I hope they don’t push me,” she said.

Speaking further, “the Nigerian youth, moment you begin to think more about your country than party shenanigans and manipulations better for you. In developed countries you’re boldly asked for taxes because you’re well taken care of Education, health, Good roads, electricity. In Africa, Govts use Developed country’s laws but lack the intelligence and Will to provide same services for their citizens.

“Never campaigned for/with any party. I am just a Nigerian who wants to live my life in a conducive environment n Not be oppressed. I’m a Nigerian! Not your political party.”