Last Friday, popular Nollywood actress, Ngozi Ezeonu gave her late mother a befitting burial in Anambra State. The event was attended by several associates of the make-believe veteran, who is well respected in the Nigerian film industry.

Azu Ogbunike community in Oyi local government area of Anambra State welcomed several movie stars who came to honour the respected actress.

Ngozi Ezeonu’s mother, Ezenwanyi Joy Nonyelum Ikpelue died at the age of 65 and was buried on Friday, October 17, 2014. The deceased, according to reports, was a popular figure in her community and was involved in several humanitarian works before her death few months ago. She was fondly called ‘Madam Go Slow’.

Though her death was painful to the family, but Ngozi threw a party to celebrate her mother’s exemplary life. Several people of Azu Ogbunike community also made their presence felt at the burial to celebrate the exceptional woman.