Ghanaian boxer Braimah Kamoko, a.k.a Bukom Banku has been on the news for many wrong reasons. He was the guy that was caught frolicking with underage girls and didn’t see anything wrong with that.


Do not forget that his bleaching has pitched him against his many fans. He just doesn’t care. What most of us do not know about Bukom is that he married to three wives.

There is a rule in his house; no fighting “My wives do not figh

t or cause trouble, they dare not. There is always peace in the home and the reason is simple, they know the man they are married to. He does not take nonsense hence they always do the right thing.”

With the way things are going for him, he is not ready to get a fourth wife “I will not marry again, I am done, I have three wives and I’m content with that,” he said “I met my wives in my area. They are girls I fell in love with. I am only attracted to the girls in my area. As for me, if you are a lady and you are not in my area, forget it.”

We hope that he keeps to his promise of not marrying another wife.
