Nollywood star actress Toyin Aimakhu has recently called out youths to love and appreciate their mothers, regardless their status.

She urged youths to be proud of their mothers even though they are illiterates, and they should learn to flaunt their mothers publicly.

The diva further disclosed the status of her mother, as she described her as “iya ular iya Laila,” a woman who cannot speak English but can speak in Tongues; she cannot read or write but can read the bible.

According to her, “Please let’s be proud of our mothers,my mum iya ular iya Laila can’t speak English but she can speak in Tongues,she can’t read or write but I wonder how she can read the Bible,she didn’t go to school but she has got great kids great graduates please lets appreciate mothers.”

Though Toyin’s mum did not go to school but she has great kids who are graduates, to celebrate mothers, Toyin has set up a program that would glam mothers.

This program was actually inspired by a young copper who shared a picture of himself and his mother who sponsored him through school through the sale of fish.