On-air-personality and self-acclaimed Man of God, Ifedayo Olarinde, aka Daddy Freeze in social media circles, has been burning the airwaves and social media with his vitriolics against perceived shortcomings in pastors and churches.

From issues ranging from church school business to tackling Redeemed Christian Church of God general overseer, Enoch Adeboye, to MMM seminars inside church, to recommending none payment of tithes to youths because a successful female blogger got that way without paying tithes, Freeze has been firing on all cylinders.

His latest diatribe on tithes has however gotten the ire of a fan, a young lady by the name Odusanya Oluwabukola. Her letter which aim at cutting him to size, called him to out on various counts, telling him his message ought to be convincing rather than confusing.

Check it out:

I have always loved your airing on @coolfmlagosBut lately I had to turn my post concerning your tithe ministration and judgment on pastors. But first concerning the Deuteronomy verse of your Bible which says sell your tithe and buy anything you want including beer. Bible reading is different from Bible meditation where you are spiritfilled and your message should convince and not confuse people. Which is why the Bible is not in support of beer which in the Bible its recognised as strong drink proverbs20:1 proverbs23:29-32 Isaiah28:7. Back to tithe. Malachi3:8 says will a man rob God, yet ye have robbed me. But ye says, wherein have we robbed thee? Reply:in tithe and offerings. Vs 10 says bring ye all the tithe in to the store house. Which can be defined as the church. Which is why we should obey every instruction, nothing must be left out.

Preaching Against pastors is not your job matt7:1judge not, that ye be not judge, for what judgment you judge, you shall be jugde with measure your should advice people to go to church where through word of God is preached. Cos not all pastors are corrupt or spending members money.

For those who inbox @daddyfreeze about sexual assault in church why not go report to the police, why cover up fake pastors and why run after miracles that deserves silly request. It is your right as a citizen to report, so they will be prosecuted. Matt7:5 thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye.

Avoiding just singing, dancing and miracle church @daddyfreeze I still cant fathom why you preach against paying of tithe is it that you want followers to stay at home on Sunday and stop paying tithe in church? and then listen to @coolfmlagos from 8-11am?”

While Freeze is yet to make a response, Celeb Police have wondered what the endgame is for him. Is he just sincerely trying to correct errant pastors and religious activities? Or is he trying to sell his brand through cheap controversy? Religion is a soft spot in many people’s armour, therefore it’s easy to strike a chord with them there.

What do you think? Do you stand with Bukola? Or do you stand with Freeze?

-Celeb Police