Miss Anambra 2016 s3x tape scandal doesn’t seem like a case that might be buried easily like master minds behind the whole act really think.

Some Advocates has taken the initiative to investigate the situation thoroughly to unveil all hidden secrets.

Recent findings shows that the s3x tape was bait for the beauty queen to win the crown unknown to her she would later be blackmailed.

The third person in the video who directed the shoot has also been unveiled and was said to be a professional p- -n actress.

She is no other Jane Emoka who served as a middle man between the girls and big Wigs who initiated the idea to enable them have the girls under their control.

It was also said revealed that Jane partook in the sexual display as well but was edited in the video that was distributed.

Report also has it that the owner of the Bank account Chidinma and her s3x partner, Ada paid the blackmailed money into has been apprehended.