Last week, sultry Nollywood actress, Monalisa Chinda turned 40. This was first marked by the actress with visit to few schools in Lagos, where she donated some items to the students. At the school visitations, which was tagged ‘Slum To School Walk, friends on Monalisa ensured they made the day memorable to her.

After the school visitation, the mother of one held a dinner party where she invited some of her friends in the industry to celebrate her life at 40. The day turned out to be very special for the role-interpreter, who was all smile at the event.

As expected, Monalisa stormed the party in a queenly outfit, which wowed many at the occasion.

Those at the event rejoiced with her as she turned 40 and wished her well. According to reports, there were enough foods and drinks to go round as guests were given five star treatments. The actress thanked those who attended the dinner and her fans for making her birthday spectacular.