Nigeria is indeed blessed with rich human and natural resources as our female entrepreneurs are always coming top rated in Africa.
Recently, the Executive Chairman and CEO of Ebony Life TV, Africa’s first Global Black Entertainment and Lifestyle network, Mo Abudu was announced by Forbes as Africa’s Most Successful Woman of The Year.
Mo, who has been described by international news outlets as ‘Africa’s Africa’, is keen in her resolve to rewrite Africa’s story.
Speaking on her entrepreneurial journey and lessons she has learned along the way, Mo said “This kind of afro-pessimism simply fueled a burning, deep-seated desire in my subconscious to one day help to rewrite the African story; to get people to talk about the issues that affect our society and to tell the African narrative in a contemporary and interesting way; to change the perception the world had of us; to let the world know that in spite of our challenges as a developing continent, Africans are not a bunch of savages but mostly a breed of gifted and remarkable people.”
“Anyone who wishes to be an entrepreneur must know that bright ideas are great, however, they are not even half of the work; execution is everything. Yes, as the saying goes, ‘there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come’, but when that time comes, you must be prepared to bleed sweat, tears and blood to bring your ideas to life.”