A unique and innovative show tagged, Mingle is set to hit the television screens in Nigeria. It is the production of DGong Studios in partnership with Alliance Multivantage Media and Stingonmania Entertainment.
While fully acknowledging the fact that Nigerian viewers have got sophisticated and well informed on quality production, the producers say the need to produce a reality TV programme with great appeal like Mingle has become imperative.
Bode Onadeko, Producer/Director states: “The introduction of Mingle is not only apt but equally strategic in the present situation of the Nigeria entertainment industry, as we strive to move up to the next level.”
According to Ochu Okoronkwo, Executive Producer of the show, Mingle will afford an ordinary member of the society the opportunity to date a top TV celebrity for an evening in a most glamorous setting. The whole process will be recorded and aired on top TV stations across the country.
“Mingle is a spectacular weekly reality TV show that provides a platform for young adults to meet and relate with their favourite celebrity in a most glamorous date for the evening. This will surely generate an overwhelming situation with lots of excitement, intrigues, suspense and dramatic reality for participants and viewers,” he says.
The show has a customized payment deposit slip with First Bank and GTB, so interested participants have been directed to pay N500 to be part of the show and meet with the celebrities of their choice.
Weekly participants will be chosen at random and lucky winners will stand the chance to gratify their fantasies of having a spectacular date with their most cherished stars. However, every week, winners will be taken for a complete make-over treat. The first half of the show will see the winner being totally re-packaged, making him/her into an extremely gorgeous and glamorous personality befitting enough to date a celebrity.