Once Again, Mercy Aigbe’s husband has again come out to speak out about his wife packing out of his home. He went ahead to say he once knew Mercy travelled to Dubai and spent 2weeks with a man and when he challenged her, she said she was only after the man’s money.

He also made mention other infidelities perpetrated by the Actress saying she just wants to be a single woman again despite trying his best to keep her from leaving the marriage.He had an interview with BON hear what he told them “Mercy has mental issues and i am the one who knows how many places we’ve been to so she can remain stable. I have papers to prove these,” he said.

Larry, who has been verbally attacked on social media for allegedly beating the popular actress disclosed that contrary to the news that went viral,it was Mercy that ganged up with her friends in her designer, Luminee House, to attack him. He also claimed that while the others beat him,his wife hit him hard with a stool.

Larry further said he has never beaten Mercy in their seven years of marriage despite the fact that he has caught her several times in acts of adultery and went ahead to show different whatsapp conversations to buttress this allegation saying that What he has tolerated from her all these years,no man could tolerate from any woman.

When Asked why he has not consulted her family to intervene,he said Mercy has no regard for her parents,citing an example of last year when her dad collapsed while on a queue to get his pension and was rushed to the hosipital.

When the actress was given the information,she lied that she was in Calabar and till now, had not gone to see the old man.

Attempts to reach Mercy Aigbe has proved abortive.Hmmm issorite.