We told you a few months back that Fred is now in a league of his own. Not only is he a Producer and Director of Communications with a leading production outfit in the UK, but he has now added another leaf to his feathers. Fred is now a qualified Holistic Massage Therapist. He has just completed an ITEC Diploma Course in Holistic Massage, Advanced training in Deep Tissue and Indian Head Massages in London.

Fred, looking very smart, robust and energetic had this to say when we caught up with him in Middles-borough-Outside London, where he was compeering for a friend’s 40th birthday party.

Hello Mr Fred Aseroma, still making waves?

Well, if you say so.

What are you really up to these days? We understand you are in School.

Yes, I was but I have completed my course. I am now a Professionally Qualified Holistic Massage Therapist with an ITEC Diploma with an advanced training in ‘Deep Tissue’ and Indian Head Massage.

Whoa!! What a mouthful. How long did this take? We know you have been in and out of Nigeria in the last two years.

Thank God for his mercies. This was a year intensive course and I must confess it was quite intense (laugh). I had a few breaks in the middle, hence, my shuttles.

Many Nigerians are not familiar with Massages. Could you tell us what the benefits are?

I know. The more reason why I went for the course to create more awareness and to promote this back home. It’s a therapy that is needed in Nigeria and it would enhance our health and wellbeing. With the stresses and strains of life in the 21st century, we can all too often feel burnt out, anxious and unable to switch off, in turn causing many chronic symptoms such as back pain, migraines, insomnia and IBS etc. Through the application of various Massage Techniques, I will help you to loosen up, de-stress, unwind and reinstate stability. For those who have already discovered it, massage is the nicest thing on the planet. Better than chocolate!

It’s a great way to feel better and look better, it’s 100% good for you, with no toxins, artificial additives or ingredients.

Any other benefits?

A massage as you are aware is an alternative therapy to medicine. Massages can reduce stress as I earlier said, reduce mental and physical fatigue, increase concentration and focus, helps you to relax, helps erratic sleep patterns, uplifts you, can lead to better postures, reduces muscle tension and stiffness, helps break down fibrous adhesion in the muscles, helps with joint movements, increases lymphatic drainage, reduces oedema, helps disperse waste products, reduces pain-mild or severe, increases local circulation and blood flow along the blood vessels.

Indian Head Massage can help improve hair and scalp conditions, stimulate hair growth, reduces eye strain, tension headaches, high blood pressure and on and on like that.
You know if the body’s happy, the mind is happy and if the mind is happy, the body is happy too?

Yes. Whoa. That is great. Tell me, I hear about the Indian Head Massage a lot. Is it just the head you massage?

Not Really. The first thing you need to be aware of in Indian Head Massage is that you need to know the safety points and contraindications, your movements and how it affects the client. The oil you will use for the massage, the Marma points where they are located as well as Chakras and balancing. You need to know how to massage the shoulders and upper back, arms, upper-arm, head, neck, scalp and face. So, it’s not just the head.

Quite technical. But what do you mean by contra-indications?

Not that technical. For example, you must avoid pressing on client’s bones, open wounds, infections, cuts and cysts. Avoid recent scar tissues, weeping eczema or someone who has a high temperature or fever and I never massage anyone who is under the influence of alcohol.
One must also be cautious with people who have whiplash, individuals who are fragile, hyper/hypotensive,, epileptic, thrombosis or who have osteoporosis.

Does that then mean you cannot do massages for them?

No. It means I would check with their Doctors first to gather more information and seek their consent when necessary before I proceed. This is a complimentary health service as you are aware.

That’s fine. Tell us your aims and plans- and who are these tailored towards?

I aim to tailor treatments to suit individual needs regardless of who you are. For example, a client comes to me because he/she has upper back tension and is suffering from headaches, I would recommend a treatment or course of treatments where I would concentrate on the back neck and shoulders combined with various techniques.

A lot of Nigerians here and back at home are stressed out. Nothing a quick Indian Head massage cannot do to easily distress you. I intend to adapt this for offices. It can be done right in your office with your clothes on. Those professionals in the offices such as Banks and private companies would benefit a lot from these.

Holistic massages can be done in the studio or at home depending on your preferences.. Outcalls can be arranged for a massage in your homes, offices or in rooms at hotels etc. I would bring it to your doorsteps.

The beauty of this also is that most of our artistes from Directors to the Production crew , actor and actresses get stressed out all the time. Don’t you think a quick massage during or after a hard days job would not be fantastic? I call it a therapeutic intervention.

I suppose so.

I know how stressful it is on production sets and as an actor knowing or anticipating that I could get a massage afterwards can go towards further relaxation in delivering my lines effectively. This, I intend to introduce to productions

That would be nice. A lot of our artistes are dropping dead weekly due to fatigues, maybe you can help.

I can only try my best.

But, you can’t single handily do all these. How do you intend to achieve all these?

I have a lot of plans and I am already doing my feasibility studies. I will definitely get support and most probably franchise this. I will also arrange group bookings/pamper parties/company massages and work with a select group of Massage therapists and Beauty Therapists.

That’s Brilliant! Have you started your practice?

No, I have not started practicing, only complimentary until I fully establish myself first. I already have a studio based in East London and intend to establish another studio in Nigeria.

So, when do you intend to start this in Nigeria?

I will return home in a few weeks time. When I do, I’ll let everyone know on how to contact me.

That would be nice. So, when can I come for a massage?

I’ll give you a complimentary Indian Head Massage if you come to my studios tomorrow after Church.

Thank You. I’ll be there.

So readers, there you are! Who says our artistes are stupid, lazy and unintelligent?
Far from it. They are all into bigger and better things. Please, get a massage when Fred returns to Nigeria. It may save your life.