A fetish dimension to the Tonto Dikeh marriage crisis has been uncovered with Celeb Police findings revealing that a seemingly harmless love ritual between Tonto and her hubby Churchill in far away Paris ‘Love Lock Bridge’ last year may have a hand in their current troubles

According to our findings, the couple who got married in 2015 after a sizzling romance that was talk of the town for a long while, travelled to France immediately after having their son, King in February 2016. The mission was ostensibly to partake in the renowned love lock ritual which involves a couple using padlocks to seal their love and hanging the locked padlock onto the rails of the Paris river. The idea is simple: the love and commitment is unbreakable and sealed beyond any hope of separation. Beautiful concept!

Our investigations however reveal that the ritual at the magical bridge, to which thousands of couples before them have partaken, turns out to have a high divorce rate. Unbelievable! While such statistics is subject to debate, we cannot help but wonder if Tonto Dikeh and Churchill didn’t find out before travelling all the way up to partake of it.


But barely two years down the beautiful road of marriage, the seal is threatening to break? Did someone find the padlock and open it? Someone who knew about the magical powers of that ritual? Hey, we are not weaving a conspiracy theory here. Just covering all sides of the puzzle, right?

But in the end, you never can really explain how, as the elders put it, ‘water managed to get inside the coconut’. If claims of the magical implications of the Love Lock Ritual are anything to be taken serious, then it just goes further to buttress the point that there has to be a limit to how far we, Africans, should go in aping western cultures. Some of their ways are more diabolical and harmful than ours. Or were do you think they get inspiration for their horror movies from?

For Tonto Dikeh and Churchill, may be it is time to go back to France and find the padlock! In the lines of Sarkodie, ‘money shouldn’t be a problem’ to this. Whatever it takes!

A little 411 on the Love Lock Bridge


According to DeathandTaxesMag.com:

“For those unfamiliar with the bridge, it’s a tourist trap where unimaginative new couples as well as tired couples struggling to rekindle the flames of a long-extinguished romance who just want to remember what it’s like to feel any emotion for each other, if only for a few fleeting seconds, write their initials on small locks, and then attach them to the bridge, symbolizing their love…”

What do you think of this kind of ritual? Do you believe it may have anything to do with Tonto’s marriage travails?