That our Nollywood divas are well respected anywhere they go is not in doubt. The reason is because; they are seen as screen goddesses or celebrities. One of the beautiful faces that adorn the four walls of the movie industry, Lilian Bach recently threw sanity to the wind as he engaged in a show of shame as she fought with a petrol station attendant somewhere around Ikeja area of Lagos over a N100 balance.

The young boy who sold the petrol to her, according to report, failed to give her the balance of N100 and he was said to be attending to another customer. In a rage manner, Lilian allegedly stormed out of the car and asked the guy the reasons he failed to hand over her balance of N100 to her. Sensing that Lilian wasn’t in a mood to joke at all, the guy started murmuring but the screen idol gave no hoot about that as she made sure she got her balance from her before leaving the place.

While some People who gather to witness the scenario, we learnt, felt real bad about Lilian’s frugal instinct displayed, some just see it as one of the stupid Africa mentalities whereby they feel ‘changes’ are not meant to be collected by celebrities because they don’t work for their money. Lilian, to me, is just being careful managing resources so as to provide for the future. No one should blame her for that action!