It’s not abnormal for celebrities; male and female likewise to be sexually harrassed but for Francis Agoda, popularly known as I Go Dye is wishing and craving for more harassment from his female fans.

Top draw standup comedian who has seen it all and done it all when it comes to the bling-blingworld of entertainment. It is rather impossible to count the top five in the business in Nigeria without him making the count.

According to him, he had never been embarrassed on stage because `he is a person who doesn’t take life seriously and thus believes it would be nearly impossible for him to get embarassed because he would have seen it as another joke’.

However, when it comes to embarrassment from the female fans, I go dye says he is waiting for them

“I always read it in the papers where celebrities say that female fans harass them, but I’m actually looking for the ladies that will come and harass me. I’m not running from them; in fact, I’m available. I’m the right person to harass and embarrass sexually,’ he told Vanguard.