Just few weeks after his brother Emeka Okonkwo dazzled the entire music industry with a classy wedding, Kingsley Okonkwo a member of the famous hip hop group KC press is set to wed his heart-throb of many years, Ijeoma Cynthia Odua. the light complexioned singer in his early 30’s got engaged to IJ as she is fondly called by friends, in Dubai on Sunday February 7th, 2010. When we heard about the engagement, we put a call across to Kingsley who denied the engagement, only to call back on Friday to give details of his wedding plans.

“I am sorry I had to first of all tell you that I wasn’t engaged. It is not as if I didn’t want to tell you, but I was just being careful about certain things because I was going to put some certain thing in order before blowing my marriage plans out. You are right, I am now engaged and I must tell you that last week Sunday when I propose to my Fiancée, remains the most romantic moment I have ever had in my life. Let me make it clear that I did have a secret engagement, it just happened like that .the engagement was in Dubai and the choice of Dubai is because I wanted to surprise her. After I had proposed, we went to church in Dubai because it was on Sunday and in the evening we went shopping and had dinner with some of my friends in Dubai and when we came back from Dubai, I bought her a brand new car as an engagement gift”.

Since the couple returned from Dubai, source disclosed that they have been making serious plans for the wedding scheduled for mid Year. IJ has been flaunting her diamond ring to her friends, the ring is estimated at $20000, and the ring is a pure diamond.

When the love birds met, source disclosed that KC was in another relationship but because of IJ, he pulled out of the relationship telling his friends that there is something special about the light complexioned beauty and will do anything on earth to marry her. But rumour mongers say they are getting married because IJ is pregnant. We queried Kingsley who has a different story to tell. He said she is not pregnant. He also confirmed that a date has not been fixed for the marriage and that it is going to be a loud one.