Jim Iyke has denied rumours that his Jamaican lover, Phil, jilted him recently. In a chat with https://www.nigeriafilms.com, the Nollywood ‘bad boy’ dismissed the rumour as untrue and a product of pure fiction.

“Nobody ever jilted me. Yes, there have been stories in the media but she did not come out to say that categorically. The controversies hold no water. Now, to prove to you that this controversy holds no water, there was a contradictory report only two weeks ago where she was on the front page of another paper saying that we’re getting married soon. So, what I’m trying to say is that if a while ago I was said to have been jilted and only two weeks ago, they say I’m getting married, it shows you something is wrong somewhere.”

However, he suggested that they were still having a wonderful relationship but refused to comment further: “There are so many diverse interests and it’s not in my place to be the spokesman,” he said declining further comments, “I can only talk for myself. But since there are so many other people involved, I have to get permission to talk about this issue publicly. I can only talk for myself. I don’t want my statements to get twisted. Listen, if you’re in love with somebody and you want to make certain statements, there’s family permission, there’s also your partner’s permission to be sought. When I’m going to get married is when the time is right. For me, everything is timing,” he added.

On brawl with Olisa Adibua

The controversial actor was also reported to have pummeled On-air-personality (OAP), Olisa Adibua, blue and black over a lady at a night Club in Lagos a while ago. He spoke about the experience, describing it as one he would always regret.

“I did not beat him up,” he said defensively, “that would grossly undermine the basis of my training. I was not trained to go about beating people. I was trained for self defense and to stay in shape. Beating people up is not what the Marshal Arts was created for. But they’ve made rubbish of it through my name. We had a little altercation in a club. People do have arguments. Probably, we’d had a little too much to drink and our judgment was impaired and things went wrong. I am not saying that I actually acted maturely.”

According to him, trouble broke out after Olisa Adibua allegedly smacked his woman on the bum! Unable to take the assault on his ego, he had approached the AOP for an amicable settlement only to be rebuffed and hell broke lose.

In retrospect he said: “I’m not saying he took the right decision when I humbly approached him and said listen, you did not have to smack my woman’s bum. He could have politely apologised and I could have just walked away with my pride intact. Maybe he felt I was too young to make that demand. Maybe he felt that he could just rubbish me and walk away. Whatever the case, later, the man was apologetic and I feel like a kid for taking it that far. Another thing is that his friends did not help matters.

They were there telling him what to do and what not to do. Now I could have been the bigger man by just walking away but his friends could have held him back as well. We had over 10 witnesses. I am not a mad man. I won’t just walk up to Olisa and start abusing him. I hold him in high esteem. It could be true that he did not know it was my woman. It could also be true that he was just doing it in the spirit of hanging out. When I made my move for peace, he could have said hey! chill, I didn’t know that was your woman and it may not have escalated and probably, when I meet him on another day when tempers are cool, when there is no pressure from friends to tell him what to do and what not to do, he could have patted me on the back like a younger brother but a lot was involved. There was ego, there was pride, and there was a lot of poor judgment. There’s no single day I have not regretted it and I wish I could turn back the hand of time. But it happened and I have to take responsibility as a man.”

According to him, they buried the hatchet that night but the press blew it out of proportion and painted him in negative light: “That very day we settled amicably but the press blew it out of proportion. I was disappointed in myself for fighting with him, I was really disappointed in myself.”


“It’s an incredible album. We put together a collaboration of people we felt were the best musicians this side of the divide. There’s Yinka Davis whom I believe is the soul of music. There’s Tuface Idibia and there’s Sound Sultan alongside a guy from the UK. He’s an incredible young man and has a strong Pop background. He’s from Marginal Records. We have 12 tracks, two instrumentals and one intro. We shot our first video in New York and Miami.