Ghanaian actress, Jackie Appiah, in a recent interview with Highlifetoday in United States of America, has disclosed that she still understands her language Twi but has the challenge of speaking it fluently.

She said the reason why she can’t speak it fluently is because she has a Canadian background and also most of her friends speak more of the English language, which is why she can’t flow with the Twi language.

Jackie boasted that despite not fluent with the language, she is good at saying some proverbs with them and might soon be producing a movie in the language.

“I can speak Twi, I understand but I’m not able to flow as others do, maybe due to my upbringing. I have a Canadian background so that could be one of the reasons.

“Another is that I mingle with people who speak English and that also is not helping me but don’t worry I know my roots. For all you know, I might produce a twi movie one of these days,” she said.