Being the daughter of an entertainer is a bblessing to Alex Okoroji. Her father, Tony Okoroji has been a pillar of support. She spoke to Samuel OLATUNJI on ups and down of being an actress.

So many bad things have been written about you. Is it worth it for being a star?
I don’t know if it is worth it, but I will say that I am knowledgeable enough to know the kind of industry I am involved in. The industry is a creative industry. You are bound to hear stuff; both the truth and the lie about your person. I mean that is the price you have to pay for being part of the public. I will not lose my sleep over those things.

But I know some actors and actresses who thrive on such scandals.
Well, I will call that cheap publicity. I mean, however you want to write your own scene, however you want to build your own career is your personal business, but it is not the style I like to use. I like to be appreciated for the works that I do, I love what I do and I just don’t want to be famous. I usually tell people that I can be famous by just being Tony Okoroji’s daughter.

Do you get upset when you see negative write-ups about you?
Yeah, well I used to. I used to get upset and probably will still get upset. But the truth is, like I said, I am knowledgeable enough to know those things are not true and untrue tales will be told about you. Whether you are a Nollywood, Hollywood, Bollywood actor or actress, I am sure that journalists will write about a lot of people. Even the president, politicians, governors, ministers; things that are not true. Stories would definitely go round because those people are in the public view. So why would I have problem? That is my opinion about it. But you know, I would rather beg people to know the truth about the story that they write about others. They should ask questions and find out through their research. I will really appreciate that, not just for me, but also for others.

Why is it that you have not done some big movies?
Hmmm, I won’t agree that I have not done huge budget movies that are on peoples’ face, I will just say that I have not saturated the TV screen. For example, I have shot quite a number of films that are not yet released and I am sure that when they are released, people would be wondering, ‘when did she shoot this?’ Right now, I have programme showing everyday of the week on different television stations, I’m showing on MNET, I’m also on African Magic, Mondays through Friday every day at 5pm, I’m showing on AIT, in a soap opera, ‘Spider’ and it is shown on Fridays and on Saturdays, so how much more can I do? I am not going to do any how movie because I want to be seen. I am not looking for cheap publicity and if you look at those things that I have done, you will see that they are good works. I am not trying to do movies for the sake of doing movies. The truth is that I have a family name to protect, so I need to do the kind of movie that people will appreciate. Those are the kind of works I have been involved in.

What are the big movies you have done that are out?
The truth is that I don’t monitor them. But I can remember that I have done ‘Calabar girl’. That happens to be my first and there is ‘Trinity’. And I heard that they changed the name of one particular movie because sometimes when we do films, we don’t even get to know the real name until it’s out. But we usually have a working title. For example, ‘Rush’ that is showing on African Magic was not Rush when we shot it. So there are couple of them that they do have a change of name, but I have done good jobs.

So how does it feels like to be an Okoroji?
It not easy (laugh).
It is a blessing or a curse?
It has to be a blessing. It is more of a blessing than anything else.

How would you describe your father?
I will say he is a very intelligent man. He is extremely patient, he his thoughtful, and he can be very stubborn when he believes in something. But I think he is a very understanding person. And also, he is very creative. He is the man I respect most in the world.

What is the greatest lesson that you have learnt from him?
There are so many things that I have learnt from him and to be honest, I learn from him every day. I learn that you have to do your job well. I also know that you cannot afford to pull people down the ladder. You have to bring people along with you. I also learn that you have to be patient, which is one virtue that I am asking God for. You cannot afford to manoeuvre your way to get what you want, you have to be hardworking and patient; I learnt that from him.

What is your sweetest memory of him?
I think there are two of them. Whenever he is around, we would talk about things, from politics to business to events and all that. My sweetest memory of him was the day I went to work and I came back and he had already done the cooking. He made coconut rice and in the coconut rice, there was groundnut in it. It was so weird, he was waiting for me to taste the food and make recommendations and I didn’t have a choice other than to tell him that it was really nice. Though it tasted nice but it was weird to have groundnut in your coconut rice. And the other one I remember was, around Christmas period. My mum wasn’t around and we decided to have a Christmas party, two days to the D-day, we just thought of inviting people and we both did the cooking and you know he has funny ways of dealing with things. He might want to make moinmoin and he will put it in a big bag and turn it into a cake

You must be very close to your dad?
Yes, we are close. Though we used to have our own argument and disagree like every normal family.

What do you quarrel about?
Little things. What more could daughters quarrel about with their dads ?

Like boyfriends?
No, not even that. The media stuffs. Sometimes, my not being around, sometimes I come late, you know, different things.

Whom did you tell the first time you had a boyfriend?
I told my mum.

Why didn’t you tell your dad despite your closeness?
I didn’t want to break his heart because he was supposed to be my only boy friend.

I was scared of him not sending me Valentine cards and calling me again.

So what did you do when he found out?
I don’t know. I think we just forgot that part. I think, when he sees the guy, he’ll just frown.

The first time you had your period, who did you tell?
It must have been my mum. You know, a time will come when you have to shy away and get close to your mum.

So, how is the relationship between you and your mum?
We are very close. I’m like her sister. If you are meeting us for the first time, you will think she is my elder sister because we are so close. We talk about a lot of things, her business and some many other things that make us to be as close as girl friends.

What does she do?
She designs cloths. She is a designer and she also runs a fitness club.

How come we don’t get to hear much of her?
She is very popular in her own way and she is a quiet person.

You posted on facebook that you woke up and found yourself naked and that you’d feel like walking around naked. What prompted that?
No, I was just wondering how nice it would be to see everybody walking naked. At least, we would have freedom, and we won’t have to wake up and think of what to wear, how to wear it and also how to iron them. There will be freedom like it was back in the days of Adam and Eve when they didn’t have anything to wear and still weren’t shy.

But you know, you sent some men into a world of fantasy?
That wasn’t my intention. It is just that some people will misinterpret what you say.

What will it take to catch you naked?
A lot. I am not a very easy person. I don’t think it will be easy for anybody to catch me naked. Maybe when I have my bath every morning, unfortunately I don’t invite people to my bathroom.

Who is the guy you are seeing?
I don’t think I would like to answer that question now.