The owner of a club in Ibadan called Options 24/7, Babatunde Iyiola a.k.a. Shef and the fraudulent Ibadan big boy; Nero may have taken their enmity to another level if there is no quick interference.

You will recall that Nero who is deep in love with Pastor Abiara’s daughter, Leah, was once accused of spreading ugly rumour about the sale of the hottest watering hole in Ibadan at the moment, Options 24/7. On this ground, Shef, we were informed, declared persona non granter to Nero and his cohorts at his club.

One of the allegations leveled on Nero is the fetish substance Nero was said to have prepared to sprinkle on the ground so as to cause setbacks for the very flourishing and bubbling nightclub, but for God who exposed his act through divine intervention, the club would have become a thing of the past.

When Shef got wind of Nero’s diabolical moves, he positioned his security men to deny Nero, Leah or any of his notorious gang members an access to his pub. This, we much gathered, led to Nero securing a hospitality haven for himself. Though, the said newly acquired relaxation bar which was said to have been solely financed by Leah, according to one of Nero’s aides, was only on lease by Nero for three years as against the rumour he’s been spreading in town that he bought the franchise.