I was forced to therapy after six surgeries – Toyin Lawani

It is a season of thanksgiving for Nollywood actress, Toyin Lawani, as she speaks on how she started therapy after undergoing six surgeries a few months ago.

The celebrity fashion designer, who shared a video where she was undergoing treatment on her Instagram page disclosed that she had a lump in her vocal cord which made her undergo 6 surgeries.

In the video, Lawani was unable to breathe well and talk properly, which she said was her plight for months.

“Yesterday was a huge step to recovery for me. The last image was before my last surgery a few months ago, have had 6 surgeries in total now and I’m currently in therapy. That was the lump I had growing in between my vocal cords after my tracheotomy tube was removed from my throat, the tracheotomy left my vocal cord ruined, as it was emergency surgery to save me cause I stopped breathing, and I couldn’t speak for months.”

She thanked the team of doctors working “tirelessly for months” to bring her back to her feet.

She continued, “Told you all I was going to take two years off cause my doctors told me it would actually take two years to get me back to speaking and breathing properly again,
Cause most times I stop breathing in my sleep.

“I still wake up paralysed at times, still have a bad leg and still have pains from the implants in my neck, but in all, I thank God.

“But it’s a year today and it can only be the glory of the Lord that I can hear myself speak and make sounds, and not struggle so much while I speak, while the chest pain is less.
It’s not perfect but I’m grateful. My thanksgiving and big comeback is coming.”