Although budding comedian, Elder O, lost his wife few months ago after she birthed their first child, the Abia state rib-cracker has been trying to move on and also doing his best to cater for his baby boy.

Elder O stands tall among Nigeria’s league of comedians smiling to the bank with fat pay cheques.

In a recent interview, he recounted the day he almost dumped his first love, comedy.

“When I look back at where I am coming from and where I am today, it’s like magic! Most people who don’t know the story cannot understand the glory because all they see is the glamour.

“I used my money to buy tickets for shows just to get close to comedians. A lot of people promised me but failed. There was a day I almost quit comedy.

“I told my neighbours I was doing comedy but they laughed it off; nobody believed. So when I finally got an opportunity to perform at a real comedy show in Festac Town, Lagos, I was so excited that rushed home to informed my neighbours.

“I was like ‘guys, you’ve doubted but now you have an opportunity to watch me live. I am performing at a show and you all must be there,” he told The Sun.

Painfully, after his brags, the show organizers didn’t give him the time and platform to showcase his talent. He went home disappointed.

“When I got home, I said to myself, ‘Elder O, it is all over with comedy!’ What made it very painful was that it happened after my second outing at AY Comedy show where the organizers told me I did not have a future as a comedian. There and then, I made up my mind that it was all over with comedy.”