Nollywood actress, Ebube Nwagbo, has finally spoken out on why she is still single when some of her colleagues are already married.

The actress in an interview on Star Gist, stated that although she is in a relationship but she is taking her time because she does not want issues as seen in some homes.

She also noted that the rate of divorce everyday is so high that she has learnt from other people’s situation with the hopes of making a better wife.

According to her, “I try to keep to myself, but the industry where I find myself is a complex one. You have to be very close to me to know the real Ebube, because most times I camouflage just to create an impression. The real me is not what you see on TV or read on the papers, but I am also human; I have my moods, my bad sides, my flaws.”

“Marriage is always going to be at the right time, and don’t ask me when is the right time. I’m single but I’m not searching, Why would I? Well, I am seeing somebody, but starting my own family I can’t say for now, but I will do that at the right time.

“I am scared of marriage, we see divorce everyday. Although no one goes into marriage believing she would soon jump out of it. I strongly believe that before a couple considers divorce, they must have put in their best to make it work, all to no avail. Being in a relationship alone is not easy not to mention marriage, I just want to do it right to avoid regrets. So I am treading carefully.”