Geraldine Uwale Okoro, who we know as Essence got our attention when she featured in a movie titled ‘Kumbaya’ early this year. Most of us are wondering how she coped with her script.

 Interestingly, she studied Theatre Arts and has been doing guest appearances in some films before now.

She said that she had fun acting “It is fun. I met a lot of fun people on set. All crew members had different names I gave them. I gave one of the directors Father Christmas because he has white beard. I gave another person Uncle Mic, because he was always asking for his mic. I gave another Omoga because he is tall. It was fun all through.”

She didn’t even find the script challenging “It is not challenging. I am good at taking in the lines. I have retentive memory. I put in for Theatre Arts for my first and second choice. So, it is inherent, it comes naturally to me. I also do my home work. When I was given the script, I did my home work. I know they were not there to see Essence but the character. I was able to fit into the character. I changed my mannerism, my comportment as well. When I was told I was to play the role of a lousy club singer, I was excited. I didn’t want to be the pastor’s wife, I like challenging characters.”