Nollywood actress, Caroline Danjuma, has been in the news recently due to various criticisms emanating from one angle to the other which she is not always comfortable with.
Coming out to set the record straight, the actress has explained that she has not come to use social media for the benefit of anybody neither is she craving for followers or to show off her wealth.
She stated that she can actually stay on her own without the help of others while she called on those who insult her to mind their business as she is not ready to condone any form of insult on her various social media pages.
According to her, “I am not on Instagram to gain fans or show off and I love me enough to be alone. If you don’t like my page please feel free to swim away. I will not tolerate any bald headed rat coming to my page to insult me. Keep your demented opinions to yourself unless it is adding money to my account. My life my business.”