Without min icing words, any celebrity that’s fall into the category of ‘yeyebrities’ should know that his or her character should be held responsible for the name transformation.

Wondering what brought about this name? This is my story; So last Saturday I was in the company of my paddies after watching a movie at the cinema we proceed to a suya joint to gist.

We chose to relax a bit mainly for traffic to be less on our way. The only outspoken among all of us decided to say few things about the real life characters of some of the actors in the said movie we both watched.

So he said frankly’ abeg no mind all those yeyebrities joor’ but we all laughed at the way he said it .

However on a second thought we asked him to define a ‘Yeyebrity’ and he describe them as (WORTHLESS OR SOMEONE WITHOUT SELF RESPECT] and also mentioned some actors in that category.

You want me to mention the names? Noooooooooo na! Not now until I do my findings too.

He also explained that some celebrities don’t portray good example to the younger ones from one scandal to another or sexual immoralities, which gives them low representation in the society.

I’m watching from now, if I catch any one or two ‘Yeyebrity’ in the act, I’ll call them out. Trust me!