When you are in a relationship with someone, it gets pretty easy to forget to do little things that matters. 

 This is why you can find a lot of women feeling dissatisfied with their partners.

Here are a few things she wishes you still do;

1. Call her often: A woman in loves likes hearing the sound of her lover’s voice, most especially when he takes time out of his schedule to give her a call for no reason at all, except he wants to hear her voice too. It does a lot to excite her and remind her that she is always on your mind.

2. Surprise her: Women love pleasant surprises. Take her out to her favorite place, buy her something that reminds you of her, whatever it is, a good surprise is guaranteed to remind her why she fell in love with you.

3. Compliment her: Whether it is her clothes or her looks, women love to be complimented. They like knowing you are still into to them and all the effort that goes into making you find them attractive do not go unnoticed by you.

4. Listen to her: Women are more emotional being, and they feel closer to their partner when they feel like they can talk to him. Take time out to listen to her talk about what is going on in her life, including the challenges she might be facing.

5. Appreciate her: There are a lot of things a woman do to make sure they keep your interest. It is important to let her know that you appreciate these things. Do not ignore them. If she does something that makes you feel happy, or proud, do not hesitate to let her know. This will encourage her to go even further to please you.

6. Affirm your love: It is important to not be so comfortable in your relationship as to assume you do not need to remind your beloved of your feelings. You should remind her you love her as often as you can. No one gets tired of hearing those beautiful words.