Most times we see celebrities get embarrassed because what they thought was original fashion accessory ended up becoming fake.
Faze is one of those who couldn’t believe that what he had spent a lot of money on was actually a replica.
He said “I must say it was a painful thing to experience, especially when you don’t get value for your money on the things you buy. That could have happened because I was in a hurry to shop that day, so I did not have enough time to check the wear properly. It was a shop I wasn’t used to.”
He added “It was more painful because I couldn’t do anything about the matter. I couldn’t make any complaint simply because I was going for a performance at an event that day and it was getting late and I needed to put on something new. So I just popped into the shop to get the outfit. It was after the performance I found out it was fake. I didn’t bother to go back to the store to make complaint. There are some situations you just accept and move on. You just need to learn a lesson from every experience. Now when I shop I take my time very well to be sure of what I buy.”
He prefers the online shopping “I prefer online shopping because it saves me time and cost. When it comes to offline shopping, it can be tedious going from one shop to the other. And in the end, you may not get exactly what you want. When it comes to online shopping too, it can be difficult, even though there are many stores online and you might not know where to buy from. If I want to buy online, I go to stores I can trust.”